Monday, August 3, 2009

Returning customers always welcome!

Of course I love to see new clients enjoying the various wares at Stifel & Capra but I really enjoy seeing returning customers even more. Especially when they drag a new friend in with them "SEE, I TOLD you that you would like this place!" It is extremely gratifying and makes all of the hard work worthwhile.

It is especially gratifying when you meet a kindred spirit, in this case someone one with a good sense of humor but a sense of the ridiculous or is it sublime, like the lovely Gena buying one of my favorite chapeaus, the "Audrey Hepburn meets Dr. Seuss" ostrich feather luncheon hat! She mugged for the camera for me before she took it out of the shop. I really think that we should have tea or cocktails at the Ritz at Tyson's and ALL wear hats (I should figure out how to organize one of those "meet-up" groups I guess).
I dragged my daughter down to the eastern shore Sunday and Monday (thanks you Laura for watching the store today!) for a little girl bonding and to pick up some treasures for Stifel & Capra. Good thing we weren't going to sit on the beach because it poured, deluged, tempested (is that a word?) to the point you couldn't see across a lane of traffic, forget about across the wide oceanic horizon. But suffice to say I did collect lots of great treasures for the shop just in time for FIRSTfriday this Friday from 5 to 8pm. Mark your calendar and hope to see you then!
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